Master Your

Sixth sense

Learn how to Access your Innate psychic abilities for Better decision-making, More confidence, and Less stress! Even if You Don't Think You Have Them ...

Tuning into your psychic sense(s) is the simplest way to Develop Your Intuition in order to make well informed decisions with clarity and confidence.

Whether you've just started exploring your innate abilities, hit a plateau in your personal journey, or simply need a fresh way to connect with your intuitive and psychic gifts. You came to the right place!

Let's just call trusting your intuition what it is: challenging

Liberating, yes! But, still - challenging.

You struggle with making important life decisions, feel lost when it comes to your personal, or professional paths.

You want a deeper connection with your inner wisdom, allowing you to make decisions with ease, confidence, and clarity.

You struggle with relationships, personal growth, self-awareness, or feel unfulfilled . You know there's more to life, but don't know how to get there.

And if you're honest with yourself (and me), you know that trusting your intuition could solve those problems. And a whole bunch more.

Now, what's the hold up?

You’ve got enough questions to fill an Amazon warehouse from laying in bed trying to fall asleep each night… and no one to help you answer them.

  • What are the key steps to trusting my intuition?

  • How long does it take to see results?

  • Can anyone learn to trust their intuition, or is it a skill that only some people possess?

  • What are some common obstacles or challenges people face, and how can I overcome them?

  • Are there any specific practices or techniques that can help me strengthen my intuition?

But the worst part? Self help books, spiritual "gurus", and generic advice are too general for most people, and don't give you the answers your soul is seeking. Which is a total bummer!

Week after week, you're left standing in the same spot. Like it's groundhog day (if you haven't seen the movie, watch it, it's genius!). Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, directionless, and wondering if you'll ever be able to trust your intuition. Stop pulling your hair out. Start making confident decisions that align with your true purpose..


You start believe the "inner voice" that says "no matter what you do, you will never be able to fully trust your intuition".

(Believe me, I've been there...)

Let's one by one, put a pin in the doubts holding you back.

Doubt #1: My Instincts are broken

This is common because most people haven't had their intuition nurtured throughout their lives. As a result they don't having faith in their own intuitive capabilities.

The truth is, by acquiring the right guidance, showing up for yourself, and receiving adequate support, anyone has the potential to cultivate and rely on their intuition. As a result, you can enjoy improved decision-making, and a life that aligns with you.

Overcoming this doubt is a game changer for helping people unlock their inner wisdom!

Doubt #2: I don't have the time

That's bullshit. Intuitive work can be done in as little as 5 minutes a day. 

Let’s be honest, everyone has 5 minutes in their day for themselves.

The question is, are you a priority in your life, or not? It all comes down to that question.

Doubt #3: I'm not naturally intuitive

EVERYONE is naturally intuitive, we are all born with amazing instincts. The problem is, over time doubt, frustration, anxiety, AND society, all suck them out of us.

Your instincts never stopped being amazing, you stopped believing in them.

Let’s talk about expectations. Many people see stuff in movies and on TV that portrays unrealistic ideas of “intuition”, “connecting with source”, and “psychic abilities”. Information comes in many forms, and it’s a lot easier than you may think.

Just like any other skill, intuition requires practice, patience, and the right guidance to grow. This is where I come in.


Picture yourself trusting your intuition, making decisions that align with your purpose, and easily handle what life throws at you.

Make decisions with confidence, tune into your inner wisdom for guidance, and gain a deeper connection with yourself and source.

You will also experience increased self-awareness and personal growth, leading to a more harmonious life.

Ultimately, you will be able to fully unlock your potential, and create a life that aligns with your purpose and passions.

Sound too good to be true?

It's not, in fact it only takes about 5 minutes a day.

I know because I’ve done it.

I've successfully guided thousands of clients just like you, helping them develop and trust their intuition, leading to remarkable transformations in their lives.

I can’t wait to show YOU how...

But wait, have we officially met?

Hey! I'm Danielle Wray.

Mom of two, nature lover, intuitive healer, and a devoted spiritual seeker. (Always on a journey of self-discovery)

I've guided thousands of clients to connect with their inner wisdom and achieve lasting, positive changes in their lives. I want you to have this same connection. I want you to get comfortable and start trusting your intuition.

I come from a long line of intuitive healers. I am a 5th generation intuitive on one side of my family, and on the other side is a long line of Shamans and healers. I was born with my gifts and have always seen and felt the world a little differently.

Messages come in a variety of ways for me. I primarily talk to your guides; I see, feel, and hear them. Those amazing souls are tasked to help you on your journey in this lifetime. They have always been around for me. I want you to be able to connect in this same way and develop your gifts in a way that can work for you.

When I became interested in energy healing, I realized that getting to the root problem became easier because I could work directly with your guides.

I am a Usui Reiki Practitioner, Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist, Energy Healer, Medium, and Empath. I specialize in Life Themes and Soul Contracts.

I have a great love for the arts, which led me to musical theater. So when I'm not doing readings, you will find me singing and dancing my way through my house. I am a direct soul, so I will always tell you the truth about what I see.

It's an honor to work in this way and share my gifts with you. I think healing should be fun! I have a wonderful sense of humor (self-proclaimed). When the energy is light, it's easier to move, and that's when the real magic happens.

It's been a long journey to get to this moment, but it was worth it! I've guided thousands of clients to connect with their inner wisdom and achieve lasting, positive life changes. I want you to have this same connection. I want you to get comfortable and really start trusting your intuition.

I invite you to open a door, shift some energy, and create something amazing for yourself. Life begins when you decide.

No more searching aimlessly.

No more watching others unlock their intuitive powers while you're left feeling stuck.

No more indecision and hesitation.

Just a proven method, expert guidance, and all the intuitive development expertise that's in my experienced and dedicated mind.

If you're with me, now's the time to get excited because it's about to be ALL yours.


Master Your

Sixth Sense

A comprehensive, step-by-step program that teaches you how to develop intuition, overcome self-doubt, and enhance decision-making on repeat so you can achieve clarity, boost confidence, and navigate life's challenges with ease.

The secret sauce behind Mastering Your Sixth Sense?

It's the C.L.E.A.R. Method where we guide you through our special psychic development modules, in order to achieve heightened self-awareness, improved decision-making, and enhanced life satisfaction.

Click Here For The Recipe

Channeled Readings: Discover the power of automatic writing as a tool for accessing your subconscious mind and channeling intuitive guidance. This transformative practice will help you gain deeper insights and explore your hidden potential.

Leverage Curiosity: Learn to work with our intuitive empowerment library of resources and unlock your full potential, guiding you towards more insightful answers and empowering you to make better choices in all aspects of life.

Ego Integration: Master the art of working with ego (not against it), along with intuition. We start with creating a balanced energetic relationship between the two. This enables you to make decisions from a place of clarity and authenticity, rather than being swayed by fear or insecurity.

Awareness: Uncover your intuitive strengths by deepening your self-awareness and harnessing the power of your inner wisdom. This essential step will allow you to navigate life's challenges with confidence and ease.

Regulate and Harmonize: Implement special techniques to calm your mind, enhance your focus, and strengthen your connection with your intuition. By regulating and harmonizing your body, you'll be better equipped to tap into your innate wisdom and make more informed decisions.

Still not sure what you're going to get on the inside?

Look at what's waiting for you...

Module One

Channeled Readings

The core aspect of developing your intuition is Mastering Automatic Writing.

This module will teach you how to tap into your subconscious mind through writing, so you can access your inner guidance and gain insights for personal growth.

  • Master the art of Channeled Readings with Automatic Writing to connect with your intuition and inner guidance

  • Discover how to create the ideal environment and mindset for successful Automatic Writing sessions

  • Incorporate Automatic Writing into your daily routine for consistent intuitive insights


Module TWO

Leverage Curiosity

Discover the power of curiosity, and how to leverage it to better connect with your intuition and help you address your daily challenges.

This is where you'll use our library of intuitive resources that unlock your intuitive guidance, so you can gain clarity and make more informed decisions in your life.

  • Engage in activities that stimulate your curiosity and open your mind to new insights from your intuition.

  • Intuitive resource exploration designed to enhance your intuitive connection

  • Learn how to apply your newfound intuitive insights to real-life situations..


Module THREE

EGO Integration

Now, let's dive into an essential aspect of developing your intuition: Ego Integration.

This is where you'll learn to differentiate between the voice of your intuition and the voice of your ego, so you can make confident decisions guided by your inner wisdom.

  • Master the art of distinguishing between ego-driven thoughts and intuitive guidance

  • Understand the role of the ego and how to work with it for personal growth

  • Develop strategies for quieting the ego's chatter and amplifying your intuition


Module Four


Awareness is the key to intuitive development. Just as a gardener must be aware of the condition of their soil to ensure things will grow, we must be mindful of our inner landscape to nurture our intuitive abilities effectively.

Once you cultivate awareness and start to grow, the big blue sky (with a lake boat under it) is the limit.

Things like…

  • Becoming consistently conscious and attentive to your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations.

  • Discovering your innate intuitive strengths and abilities.

  • Tuning in to the subtle whispers of your intuition that often go unnoticed in the noise and chaos of everyday life.


Module Five

Regulate & Harmonize

Now, let's dive into an essential aspect of developing your intuition. In this module, we learn how to Regulate & Harmonize

This is where you'll learn to master advanced techniques, so you can improve your intuitive clarity and make well-informed decisions.

  • Master techniques to enhance your intuitive abilities and deepen your connection to your inner guidance

  • Discover how different body patterns can influence your mental and emotional states

  • Learn how to use powerful techniques during challenging situations or decision-making processes


And you'll be supported every step of the way with student-favorite features like...

VIP Support

Got questions along the way? (Of course you do!). That's where our elite support team comes in.

We cover technical issues with surprisingly quick responses to help you feel supported and guided throughout your journey.

Private Community

Inside the Reboot Your Intuition Facebook group, you’ll connect with other members, get feedback on your ideas and work, and stay accountable.

You’ll have lifetime access to the Reboot Your Intuition community. Because once you join, We’ve got your back :) Use this community and the coaching team as you need it.


Loooooooove a good Bonus? Yeah, me too.

You'll receive instant access to our lifetime bonuses to make mastering your sixth sense easier than ever.

Unlock Unlimited Growth

free Lifetime Access

(for real, all updates, free for life)

For a limited time, when you enroll in the Master Your Sixth Sense program (during our launch period only), you'll receive exclusive access to our entire membership section AND anything we add to it in the future.

No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, the Intuitive Journey membership program is being developed with powerful strategies that will help you uncover the deeper meaning of your life experiences, and live with purpose.

You'll learn how to interpret the unique patterns in your life, explore the significance of your soul contracts, and align with your true self more effectively.

Payment Options


1 payments of $247

  • Complete Curriculum

  • Full Access To All Content

  • Cultivate Awareness Easily

  • How To Leverage Curiosity

  • Ego Integration Techniques

  • Automatic Guidance

  • Regulate & Harmonize

  • Video Training

  • Downloadable Resources

  • Audio Playlists

Launch Special Bonuses:

  • Unlock Unlimited Potential

  • Lifetime Access: FREE Updates For Everything We Create Moving Forward


1 payments of $297

  • Complete DIY Curriculum

  • Full Access To All Content

  • Cultivate Awareness Step By Step Daily Support

  • How To Leverage Curiosity

  • Ego Integration Techniques

  • Automatic Guidance

  • Regulate & Harmonize

  • Video Training

  • Downloadable Resources

  • Audio Playlists

  • Plus ALL Launch Special Bonuses


  • "Launch Special" Intuitive Opening Bonus That Will Start You On Your Journey With a FULL Intuition Boost! (Value $97)

100% Risk Free

When you decide to join Master Your Sixth Sense, you're welcomed into a nurturing environment that provides everything you need to develop your intuitive abilities and achieve a more fulfilling life. And the best part?

This is a proven system. Hundreds of people have used the techniques in this program to enhance their intuition and transform their lives—it's happening right now!

But, even though I know this course is so valuable, you deserve the chance to join risk-free to see if it’s for you. If you don’t think it’s every bit as awesome as I’ve promised, simply request a refund within 7 days of purchase, and you’ll be refunded in full.

There are no strings attached, no forms to fill out, nothing to prove, and I won't question you. I won't even ask for all of your newly gained intuitive insights and strategies back ;)

*But don't be that person who joins, goes through all the material, checks out every lesson, and then asks for their money back. We can see that on our course platform, and it's just bad karma.

so, what happens next?

As soon as you enroll, you’ll be sent a welcome email with your username and password to access to the Master Your Sixth Sense course.

Then, everything is yours & you can get started right away!

From there, you'll get started with the Welcome Module and progress naturally through the rest of the program.

Don't worry, it's easier than you may think and no exams are ever needed! Learn and grow to your hearts content.

Enjoy all of the intuitive exercises along with all the resources you need to be successful.



How much time will I need to dedicate to the 'Master Your Sixth Sense' program?

We understand that you might be worried about fitting this program into your busy schedule. That's why we've designed the course to be flexible and self-paced.

You can spend as little as 15-30 minutes a day or dive deeper when you have more time available. Remember, personal growth is a journey, and the key is consistency, not perfection.

Will this program work for everyone, or are some people just not intuitive?

We firmly believe that everyone has intuitive potential. While some people may have a more natural inclination, intuition is like a muscle that can be developed and strengthened with practice.

This course provides you with the tools and techniques to tap into your inner wisdom, regardless of your starting point.

Is there a guarantee that I'll see results from the 'Master Your Sixth Sense' program?

While we're confident in the quality and effectiveness of our program, the outcome largely depends on your commitment and effort.

Personal growth is a unique journey, and results will vary from person to person. We encourage you to trust the process, stay open, and give your best effort to maximize the benefits of the program.

Is There A Refund Policy?

Absolutely! Master Your Sixth Sense comes with a refund within 7 days, which means you can join risk-free, take a poke around, and get a full refund if the space isn’t for you.

That being said, puh-lease don’t be that person who joins, downloads the stuff, and asks for their money back. I’ve yet to see that strategy work. Plus, it’s bad karma, k?

I'm new to spirituality and intuitive development. Will this course be too advanced for me?

'Master Your Sixth Sense' has been carefully crafted to accommodate individuals at various stages of their spiritual journey. We start with foundational concepts and gradually progress to more advanced techniques. Plus, you'll have access to support from our community and resources to help you along the way.

What if I've already explored some of these practices? Will this program still be beneficial for me?

Absolutely! Even if you're already familiar with some of the techniques in the course, 'Master Your Sixth Sense' offers a fresh perspective, additional insights, and unique methods to further enhance your intuitive abilities.

We believe there's always room for growth and self-discovery.

Can I apply the techniques in 'Master Your Sixth Sense' to other areas of my life, or is it just for developing intuition?

Great question! While the primary focus of the course is on enhancing your intuition, many of the techniques and practices we teach can be applied to various aspects of your life.

For example, meditation and breath work can help reduce stress and improve mental clarity, while understanding Life Themes and Soul Contracts can bring deeper insights into your relationships and personal growth.

So, not only will you be developing your intuitive abilities, but you'll also be gaining valuable tools for overall well-being and self-awareness.

What Happens Once I Enroll?

As soon as you enroll, you’ll be sent a welcome email with your username and password to access Master Your Sixth Sense. Then, everything is yours & you can get started right away!

Let's get started

I'd love to see you on The Inside!

Still Here? Oh, good!

I made you a little something...

MASTER YOUR SIXTH SENSE is a match for you.


  • you're a spiritually curious individual, seeking to enhance your intuition

  • Want To connect with your inner wisdom

  • and embrace personal growth

  • If you're open-minded

  • ready to explore new perspectives

  • and committed to self-discovery

  • then 'Master Your Sixth Sense' is the perfect guide for your transformative journey.

This isn't the course for you, if...

You're looking for a quick fix or instant results. ... It won't happen overnight (But it is incredibly achievable if you're willing to commit to the work and practice regularly!)

You're skeptical about the existence or importance of intuition, and you're not interested in discovering how it can impact your life positively.

You're closed off to alternative methods of self-discovery, exploring new perspectives, or challenging current beliefs. Growth requires an open heart and mind.

You can easily enjoy this journey with us...


1 payments of $348

  • Complete Curriculum

  • Full Access To All Content

  • Cultivate Awareness Easily

  • How To Leverage Curiosity

  • Ego Integration Techniques

  • Automatic Guidance

  • Regulate & Harmonize

  • Video Training

  • Downloadable Resources

  • Audio Playlists

Launch Special Bonuses:

  • Unlock Unlimited Potential

  • Lifetime Access: FREE Updates For Everything We Create Moving Forward


1 payments of $397

  • Complete DIY Curriculum

  • Full Access To All Content

  • Cultivate Awareness Step By Step Daily Support

  • How To Leverage Curiosity

  • Ego Integration Techniques

  • Automatic Guidance

  • Regulate & Harmonize

  • Video Training

  • Downloadable Resources

  • Audio Playlists

  • Plus ALL Launch Special Bonuses


  • "Launch Special" Intuitive Opening Bonus That Will Start You On Your Journey With a FULL Intuition Boost! (Value $97)

You can journey with us...

Split pay

2 payments of $249

Chose this accessible payment plan option and receive lifetime access to:

  • Step-by-Step Automatic Writing Mastery

  • Awareness Development Methods

  • Ego Integration

  • Breath Work Enhanced Guidance

  • Meditation Techniques

  • Downloadable Resources

  • Video Training

  • Audio Playlists

  • Monthly Live Intuition Coaching Calls

pay in full

1 payment of $497

Chose the pay in full option and receive lifetime access to:

  • Step-by-Step Automatic Writing Mastery

  • Awareness Development Methods

  • Ego Integration

  • Breath Work Enhanced Guidance

  • Meditation Techniques

  • Downloadable Resources

  • Video Training

  • Audio Playlists

  • Monthly Live Intuition Coaching Calls

Pay In Full Bonuses:

  • Spiritual Blueprints

  • Body Scanning

  • Harmonic Healing

  • Aromatherapy Alchemy

  • Crystal Connections


1 payment of $597

Get everything from the pay in full option (including the pay in full bonus)...

Plus choose the VIP "extra" at checkout to receive a:

  • Life Themes and Soul Contracts Reading ($288)

  • Intuitive Opening ($144)

  • Cord Cutting ($70)

VIP Special:

This must be redeemed within 6 months of purchase.

To add this VIP option, toggle the button at checkout.


Time for a little heart to heart.

The number one thing that holds back SO many people from tapping into their psychic gifts?

It’s fear.

Fear that they won't trust themselves.

Fear that they don’t have the ability to connect with inner wisdom.

Fear that they won’t commit to nurturing their intuition.

And if right now, you’re reading this wondering if you can actually harness your intuition — if you can actually create a deeper connection with yourself, make better decisions, and live a more fulfilling life…

You aren’t alone.

I hear this from people all the time.

So I’m going to take this moment to tell you something I know is true:

You CAN do this.

The life you want—the one where you trust yourself to make the best choices...

The one where you feel in tune with your inner wisdom...

The one where you absolutely frigging LOVE your connection to your psychic gifts and showing up for yourself feels empowering...

That life IS possible.

And you’re closer to it than ever before.

I mean this from the bottom of my heart: I believe in you.

And I created the Master Your Sixth Sense program to help you slash the learning curve, develop your intuition, and embrace the inner guidance you’ve always, always wanted.

Now, if you’re still with me, it’s time to light a fire under your booty —

Get on in here and let’s get to work!

Love, Danielle

Can't wait to see you on the inside!

Need to chat it through?

Get in touch!